LotOS Framework: Use Cases

Data acquisition and processing
FreeRTOS can obtain data with fixed frequency from sensors and send it to Linux partition for processing or further re-transmission. Data processing or visualization can be resource-costly process, so usage of individual partition for these needs has no affect to data acquisition.

UI for industry processes
User friendly user interface like Android, can be used with FreeRTOS in the same box. Real-time guest performs motion control or time-critical processes monitoring, while the other partition provides graphical user interface.

Fast user response
FreeRTOS boot time is about 1 second, so it can provide very fast user response after power-cycle, while Linux or Android is booting in another partition. When second partition is started, it takes the control for device.

Intrusion detection
Framework can run Linux or Android in isolated partition in dedicated memory region, while FreeRTOS can be granted to have access to whole platform address space. In this configuration, FreeRTOS is completely hidden and inaccessible from Linux partition, but at the same time it can perform security monitoring for suspicious activities in this partition.

Isolation of GSM/LTE stack
Android and broadband can be split into two isolated partitions. This will avoid any effect of user applications on phone functionality.

Different safety integrity levels
Due to partitions are fully isolated, they can execute the software of different safety integrity levels at the same time.

If one of the partition operating failed, the other can take the control while the first is recovering. The system stays alive with minimal delay.

Firmware update
The frequently updated software can be put into individual partition. So the firmware update will require modification of this partition only. This can be benefit in product testing and safety certification.

Secure system logging
A self-recording unit can be implemented in LotOS. FreeRTOS can be used for real-time system monitoring and logging. It works in isolated partition, so any crash of Linux or Android guest has no effect on it. The information from such logger can be used for fault analyzes and debugging.